psychology testing for all

 'Psychology Testing For All' is a free, non-profit platform that provides psychological tests in English and local languages for everyone in India.  Psychological tests are extremely helpful in identifying psychological issues and can help us becoming a better person. They can help us improve our academic, emotional, and professional lives. However, psychological tests in India can cost thousands of rupees, which is too expensive for most people. Additionally, most psychological tests are only available in English, which limits their use. 'Psychology Testing For All' was created to address these issues and make psychological tests accessible to everyone in India, regardless of their income or language skills. 

objectives of this project


Use the English / Marathi psychometric tests  given on our platform to conduct the mass tests for all students in one go. It will detect who all among them have symptom of common disorders like ADHD, depression, etc. Depending on your location, we will also arrange a team of psychologists to help you further.  Mind you, an early detection of the disorder even in one student, means a family saved from disaster. 

You can also use our platform to measure various intelligence aspects of students, such as fluid intelligence, spatial intelligence, emotional intelligence, and memory function. This can help you guide students on how to overcome their learning difficulties and identify slow/fast learners. Developing exclusive strategies for slow and fast learners will further help you achieve NAC / NBA accreditation. Our platform is completely free.  

Click Here to know more

IF YOU ARE parents of a child

Is your child not performing to his / her potential? Is s/he behaving differently off late? Do you want to know how does his/ her brain work, how does s/he learn, which intelligence s/he possesses more? Use the psychometric testing from us and find out how can your child improve further. All this is absolutely FREE.    

Click Here to know more

IF YOU ARE an individual

You may be feeling low but do not know whether it is a depression or just temporary uneasiness. You are always confused whether you should consult a psychiatrist. In other case,  you do not like to mix with people and may want to check if it is just your preference or it is a Social Phobia. OR  you would just like to check whether you have any personality disorder. You can make use of our platform and take the test. You will get your report in a  minute in your mailbox. It will help you decide if you should seek more professional help.  

Besides, if you want to make use of our tests for your own development - to become a more matured person etc., then there are plenty of opportunities.  Remember that people with high emotional intelligence EQ (not high IQ) have greater success....

 Quite often a question is asked how do I impress my friends (including GF / BF), my boss or  my colleagues. The answer is simple - just be a better person. This is exactly where our psychological tests and the trainings will help you.   All this is absolutely FREE. 

Click Here to see what all tests we are offering.