If you are parent of a child


We understand your concern about your child taking a psychological test. There is often a stigma associated with psychological testing, especially when it comes to children. BUT if you think differently you will reap the fruits. 

Just like a doctor uses a variety of tests to diagnose a physical illness, a education experts use psychological tests to diagnose a learning difficulty in students. Just as it is important to treat physical illnesses early, it is also important to solve the learning difficulties of a child early.   

Our Mind-wellness test, proven over thousands of students, will help you identify if the learning difficulty is associated with mind wellness. Once you rule out that possibility, you can focus on measuring your child's learning skills, such as their intelligence type, learning style, memory function, emotional intelligence, social skills, and so on.

There are many factors that contribute to your child's academic success and overall well-being as a person in society. Use our platform to assess each of these factors and learn how to improve them. By working on each area meticulously and improving it one by one, you can help your child reach their full potential.

We are here to support you on this journey. All of our tests are currently free. We don't have all of our tests ready yet, but you can start with the ones that are available. We will let you know when the other tests become available.

CLICK HERE to take a look on the tests that are available. Do make use of them.