Frequently asked Questions

How does Psychological testing shows the presence of disorders?

In Psychological testing, you are asked number of questions  and you are asked to select the answer from given options based on your thinking, experience and behavior.  The responses are analyzed and conclusion is made. For example, if you are being tested for social phobia then you will be asked questions on what do you feel when you face the audience, do you get sweating,  what exactly you are worried when you get nervous etc.  These questions are designed by scientists based on certain theoretical models  in psychology and they are experimented on millions of people to conclude that your answers in a particular manner shows presence of certain disorder in your mind. The answers however must be honest for the results to be accurate.

If my test result shows presence of depression or other disorder, what's next? What should I do? 

We know there is a lot of Stigma in taking the help and going to Psychiatrist. We have therefore brough the Psychiatrist to your doorstep. Watch the  videos given below where Dr. Hamid Dabholkar, a well known Psychiatrists is advising you on the next steps if our test report confirms you of the symptoms of Depression or Anxiety. 

I have symptoms of Depression. What's next? - Watch this video 

I have symptoms of Anxiety. What's next? - Watch this video 

We have mentioned it in the report (please read it carefully) that the observations given in the report are based on your responses and secondly they are drawn from an Internet based testing.  Though such online tests are useful for anyone to know that s/he has the symptoms of disorder they are not medical diagnosis. As a next step you should consult a psychiatrist or psychologist who will conduct a similar test or may ask similar questions face to face. He may collect more history like your parents, childhood, an important event in your life etc and ask many other questions. Based on your responses and his experience in the field he will confirm the presence of disorder.  He will then guide you on the treatment or therapy you should take to get cured. You can use Government HELPLINE set up to provide the support. 

A toll-free, 24/7 helpline number (14416) has been set up across the country allowing callers to select the language of choice for availing services. Service is also accessible with 1-800-891-4416. The calls would be routed to Tele-MANAS cells in the respective state and union territory.  

Do you meassure IQ

As mentioned on the page of  'Test of Intelligence', measuring IQ is outdated these days  because it only measure one aspect of intelligence. Recent research has shown that intelligence is a complex trait that is made up of many different skills and abilities. Our test of intelligence measures the most important aspects of this multi-dimensional trait, including fluid intelligence, spatial intelligence, inhibition control, mind wellness, short-term and long-term memory, and working memory. The tests are similar to Wechsler Intelligence test framework (which is most widely used all over the world) however they are specifically designed, tested, and validated for Indian culture.  We can always add more tests to make the testing more comprehensive but that will make the tests lengthier.